EX GFA boss Nyaho Tamakloe against federation's decision to challenge 2014 World Cup findings in court

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Image caption Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe

Ex Ghana FA boss Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe feels the association is making a mistake with their decision to challenge the findings of the 2014 World Cup Commission in court.


The GFA have instructed its lawyers to study the report and challenge the adverse findings made by the three-member commission in court.

The report popularly termed as ‘Dzamefe Report’ named after the chairman of the commission Justice Senyo Dzamefe part of which has been accepted by the state amongst many other things have barred certain GFA officials from working with any of the national teams, notably George Afriyie and General Secretary Emmanuel Gyimah.

And as the Ghanaian federation get ready for what will be an interesting legal battle its former chairman Nyaho Tamakloe says it’s a ‘wrong move’.


“I think that would be a wrong move to do...I don’t know if they have fully read the report...I think they should have taken their time,” Tamakloe told Starr FM.

“I think the leadership of FA should take its time before it goes to the court.

“I don’t think going to court is the way to go about it.”