Hearts of Oak pay tribute to May 9 victims as today marks 14 years of stadium disaster

Published on: 09 May 2015
Hearts of Oak pay tribute to May 9 victims as today marks 14 years of stadium disaster
Fans at the May 9

On May 9th each year, thousands of soccer fans all over Ghana, particularly Hearts and Kotoko supporters, take some time to stop and remember the one hundred and twenty four (124) supporters who died at the Accra Sports Stadium after a league match between the two sides in 2001.

It is the saddest day of the year for Accra Hearts of Oak and on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of this dark incident, I wish, on my own behalf, and on behalf of the Hearts Family, to salute the memory of the 124 who went to that match and did not return to their lovely families.

Accra Hearts of Oak are still traumatized by the thought that what should have been one of the greatest nights in the history of local football turned into a haunting nightmare.

In our grief, we quickly forget the spectacular late goals we scored to win the otherwise thrilling match by two goals to one. We dedicate that victory to the memory of our fans that were hardest hit by the disaster. We hope that at the appropriate time, our Club will put up a memorable edifice in honour of our departed comrades. In the meantime, however, we have built in our hearts an imposing monument of admiration, reverence and solemn prayer to the memory of the gallant martyrs of the Phobian cause.

Our hearts go out to the families of the victims of May 9 - the parents, spouses, widows and widowers, orphans, siblings and friends of the dead and injured victims on both sides.

It is the prayer of the Management of Accra Hearts of Oak that all stakeholders – fans, supporters, club officials, match officials, referees, security agencies, stadium managers, the football authorities and the media – will continue to draw appropriate lessons from this dark episode in our football history to avert its recurrence.

We say, Never Again!


Managing Director


    says: 9 years ago