friendlies With African Giants good for super Eagles: Garba Lawal

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Garba Lawal an Ex Nigerian international has stated that the two friendlies in line for the Super Eagles is good for the team’s development.


The Super Eagles will be playing their first-ever game together as a team since the pandemic halted football in Africa by next month if everything goes well as planned against Cote D’Voire and Tunisia.

Reacting to the latest arrangement of the game, Garba Lawal (Chindo) in a chat with exclusively stated that, it will again unite the players and also give them that bond ever since football was affected by Covid-19 most especially, the continent of Africa also he said, it is going to be a good development for the super eagle team.


”Fantastic, I think for now there is no football for long you know, the pandemic make things so difficult for countries to play football exceptions of the Europeans who will be sooner playing their Nations league, I think its fantastic to see the Africans back in playing football, the South Africans have started their league already so, I think it’s a good development. “Lawal said.

The Super Eagles according to the schedule will be playing Cote D Voire first on the 9th of October while the Tunisian game will be coming up 17th of the same month in October