Asante Kotoko water down reports of submitting "bogus financial statement" to Ghana FA

Published on: 26 March 2015
Asante Kotoko water down reports of submitting "bogus financial statement" to Ghana FA
Asante Kotoko

Asante Kotoko have squashed media reports gaining currency that they have defaulted in submitting their financial report to the Ghana Football Association. 

Other reports in the media suggests the accounts submitted were cooked.

In a press statement signed by Communications Manager, Kwaku Ahenkorah, management described the reports as bogus and should be treated with contempt.

“Our annual audited account has always been forwarded to the appropriate offices of the GFA and its timing and authenticity have never been questioned by the appropriate bodies” said the press statement.

“We therefore entreat the football fraternity and our numerous fans to reject and treat the reports with the contempt” the statement added.
