They are lying, I didn't submit a wrong account number - John Noble

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Super Eagles Goalkeeper, John Noble has rubbished the claim by Super Eagles Captain Ahmed Musa that he submitted a wrong Dollar account hence the reason for the delay in paying his earned AFCON allowance of $25,000.


Musa according a British-Nigerian journalist, Osasu Obayiuwana, said Noble alongside few other players in the Austin Eguavoen squad to the AFCON in Cameroon submitted a wrong Dollar account number.

Musa also stated that the other affected players has since rectified their issues and got paid; on the contrary, Noble said it was lie stressing that he has been paid his training allowance through the account.

"I have never submitted a wrong account number. This is the same account where I got my AFCON 2021 camp allowances through the secretary," Noble told soccernetng in an interview.

“Suddenly, it has become a wrong account when it got to the time of getting the big one. My bank is even tired of me because I go there every day.

“Right now, I feel emotionally drained knowing well that this money will solve many problems.”


Noble added that something unforseen may happen to him anytime soon if the allowance isn't paid; stressing that he's incured a lot of debt, that needs to be serviced.

“Aside from this, I have incurred several debts, and I am using this medium to appeal to the NFF to look into my matter before another thing happens to me,” he added.

