Accra-based lawyer secures injunction from Fast Track High to halt Ghana FA election on August 17

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Image caption incumbent GFA president Kwesi Nyantakyi

By Rahman Osman


Follow on twitter @iamrahmanosman

An Accra Fast Track High court has placed an injunction on the Ghana Football Association to stop it from conducting next month's Presidential elections, can confirm.

The FA is scheduled to go to the poll on August 17 in Tamale but that plan has been scuttled by the latest ruling on Thursday.

A  legal practitioner, Lawyer John Quayson filed an ex-parte injunction application to halt all activities concerning the GFA’s upcoming elections which has been accepted by the court.

The legal practitioner  is seeking an interpretation as to why the district level elections and the regional level elections wouldn't be held before the main FA presidential elections.

Among the exhibits presented to support the injunction application was the calendar of the Football Association.

The Ghana Football Association per the regulations has ten days to make an appearance to defend or other wise prove why the injunction should not be renewed.

The GFA opened nominations for the position of president on Monday ahead of the elections in Tamale next month.


According to the election itinerary, interested persons have until Friday June 17 to fill and submit their forms to the Ghana FA secretariat of any of the Regional Football Association offices.

The electorates will gather in Tamale on August 18 for the extra-ordinary congress to elect the next president of the body.

Incumbent president Kwesi Nyantakyi, who has already served two terms, is expected to win overwhelmingly for a new mandate.

It is however unclear whether he will be running unopposed. So far, a female coach Ofeibea Ramatu and relatively unknown two others are the only candidate to openly declare her intention to contest.

Other names that popped up last week were Fred Pappoe and Randy Abbey, former vice president and spokesperson for the Ghana FA respectively. However, both later denied the reports.

Four years ago, Nyantakyi went unopposed after all the aspiring candidates got disqualified after the electoral committee said they failed to meet the requirements.

Nyantakyi’s influence has grown beyond Ghana after recently retaining his Caf executive committee seat.

There will be other election later this year for the Regional Football Association and the District Football Association chairmen, as well as the composition of the national, regional and district executive committees.